How Technology is helping People Work from Home

Home Office Technology

Technology has undoubtedly reshaped many of what we know about the world, one of which is how people can work and earn a living. Nowadays, it’s completely possible to earn income without even having to go outside and endure the stressful commute to and from work and the office drama that happens in between.

Here are five ways on how Technology is making it possible to work Remotely from Home.

Online Job Sites
Platforms, such as Upwork, are making it convenient for freelancers to locate work and manage contracts. These digital job bulletin boards bridge gaps between freelancers and employers thus reducing time to fill up job positions. With the continuously improving user interfaces and evolving programming languages the Internet is using, online job sites are poised to reach a wider array of freelancers and contractors in the future.

Mobile Phones
The fleet of increasingly sophisticated smartphones on the market is allowing freelancers and home-based employees to collaborate with employers and team members on the go, any time. Smartphones today also have better specifications, specifically better storage space to store data and larger screens to display more content. You can get updates about newly opened projects or posted job openings all at the palm of your hands.

Video and IM Platforms
Video and instant messaging platforms, like Skype, are perhaps the most important technological breakthrough that formed the work-from-home trend that’s so apparent today. By allowing companies and their respective Workforce’s to collaborate on Projects in real-time, Skype and similar software programs strengthened Employers’ confidence that remote-based Work would Work and, more importantly, would be more advantageous.

Productivity Tools
From site-blocking widgets to Pomodoro-style timer apps, productivity tools are all over the Internet and for good reason, many of them work. Productivity tools are helping freelancers, who usually have to deal with discipline and time-management issues, keep a more productive regimen and get things done faster and more accurately.

Social Media
Social media is a popular form of entertainment, but it also has a lot of benefits for the work-at-home generation. For starters, your social media profiles act as your business card for attracting employers. LinkedIn, for instance, increases your marketability and visibility to employers in different sectors including tech and finance.

Working from home has its own pros and cons. Without question, albeit, technology is helping streamline the relatively nascent practice of being able to work from the comforts of one’s home either as a part-time or full-time career.

The end.

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