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The rapid growth of M-Commerce in Business Today

It was recently reported by comScore,
(  who are the foremost analytical
organisation in the digital technology industry ) ,
that the workplace is becoming more and more mobile.
They also claimed that almost 10 per cent of sales made online
resulted from transactions carried out on mobile devices,
which is a fivefold increase from two years ago.
They believe that users are casting aside their desktop PCs and
opting for laptops and other mobile devices so that
they can work from almost any location.

This means that business can transport their employees to and from different sites whilst maintaining their productivity and ensuring that they are still contactable throughout. This is great news for businesses of course, and is entirely owing to the fact that mobile technology has become so widely used and widely available. The advancements that mobile technology has made in recent years have made mobile working a reality.

Some more interesting stats from other sources on this topic:
Cisco: ( World report ) also Gist

Sales using mobile technologies

Consumers around the world are opting for mobile devices like the iPad and other tablets. Purchasing statistics show that many consumers are choosing to carry out all of their transactions on their mobile devices as opposed to their smart phones. It was only a matter of time until the business world was caught up in the fever and adopted the same technologies for their workforce. The opportunities that mobile technology affords are endless and it seems that most consumers do not need reminding of this fact.

Taking advantage of mobile sales figures

This apparent trend in the increase in sales from mobile devices has also spurred business into action looking to take advantage by finding ways to improve their websites so that they are more accessible and more tablet-user-friendly.

Business are searching for ways to increase their presence in the online market place and also ensure their websites are usable and as aesthetically pleasing as possible to maximise on the potential that this new mobile consumer base creates.
The end.

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