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Cloud Computing Trends for 2014

Cloud computing has experienced an exponential Cloud-Computing
rise over the past few years. To be precise, by the
end of the year 2013, almost 60% of small to medium
sized businesses (SMBs) had started using cloud services.

72% of these companies virtualized substantial proportions
of their servers. This increasing trend of cloud computing
clearly shows that this growth is only expected
to increase over the next coming years.

A  list out major cloud computing trends in the industry in 2014:

1: Hybrid Clouds
The merits of private and public cloud models have stirred an ongoing debate for quite some time. Solving the endless discussion, Hybrid Cloud features a unique infrastructure, where it combines private cloud security with powerful, scalable and cost-effective public cloud attributes.

IT executives will get more choices for their personalized solutions, while the security experts and big data advocates are fairly satisfied. As hybrid models become “mainstream” it is likely that more cloud computing companies in Singapore are going to adopt this model and drop out the old debate.

As majority of consumer electronics in the world today are mobile devices, “bring your own device” is becoming more relevant in the world of cloud computing than ever before. End users are persistently using their mobile devices to secure more and more data into their personal cloud services for streaming, storing and syncing.

This invariable means that IT departments must find ways for their employees to integrate personal cloud spaces in a BYOD environment by making effective use of tools like Mobile Device Management.

3: Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
Platform-as-a-Service helps in reducing the IT costs of businesses while enhancing application development via more efficient development and testing methods. According to a report released by the International Data Corporation (IDC), an eminent analyst firm, the PaaS market is anticipated to expand up to $14 billion from $3.7 billion worldwide by the year 2017.

4: Big Data Analysis
Similar to the private and public cloud model debates, numerous organizations are now realizing that it can be more beneficial and easy to combine cloud computing solutions and big data analytics rather than choosing one over the other. Big data analytics as service will offer the businesses of every size access to an easily attainable and scalable tool to compete in global markets.

5: Graphics as a service
Running high-end graphic applications generally requires substantial investment in hardware infrastructure. Cloud computing on the other hand is gradually changing this veracity. A number of prominent graphic companies such as AMD and NVIDIA are now coming up with numerous cloud-based graphic technologies which allow end users to run high-end graphic applications from basic HTML5 web browsers.


Author Bio:
A Singapore based IT consultancy company, APIXEL ITServices, has been operational for over 8 years from now. Apixel provides fixed price IT support services with unlimited packages that includes small business server setup, cloud solution configuration, network management and data security & theft prevention. The company also provides expert IT consultancy to SMEs in Singapore.





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