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A list of great Free Online Education Resources for your Business

A list of great Free Online Education Resources for your Business

Free Education Resources

Here is a  list of  Free Online Education Resources 

Kubbu, an e-learning tool designed for teachers
to create quizzes, crosswords or games and make
them available to students or groups, view and
analyse the results, or even share activities
with other teachers.  It’s limited to 30 students
and 15 activities for a free account.

Perfectyourenglish, a comprehensive reference
guide to English Grammar, Practical English usage,
vocabulary, English writing and speaking.
You can also test your knowledge of English language with
interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises.

English Practice consists of many archived lessons for learning English
—choose a category or type a key word to search for what you want,
then browse through previews or read the full lessons.

Khan Academy lets you watch, practice and learn almost anything from over 2,100 videos and 100
self-paced exercises and assessments covering subjects such as maths, algebra, physics, chemistry,
finance, history and so on. Each video is short, concise, educational, and very easy to follow.

Academic Earth lets you watch up to 1,500 lectures, on everything from computer studies and
psychology to medicine, architecture and entrepreneurship from respected educational
institutions such as MIT, Harvard, Princeton and Yale.

FSI Free Language Courses, select a foreign language (other than English) you want to learn from
the courses with text and audio files freely available. The courses are developed by the
Foreign Service Institute through the private efforts of individuals.

Art Project, explore over 1,000 artworks gathered from art museums around the world
without needing to travel to each museum.  All the artwork and galleries have been curated by
individual museums who decide the galleries, artwork and information to include.

We hope you find these Free Education resources of use.

Thanks the TIB Team

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